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Porsche IMS Oil Feed Modification

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Porsche IMS Oil Feed Modification


The oil feed modification is a step-by-step procedure for pressure feeding the IMS bearing with engine oil.  The modification is achieved by punching a small hole (approx. 2 mm) in the front of the IMS shaft using a sharpened center punch and a hammer. The oil pump’s factory 8MM Allen drive is then replaced with a slotted 8MM drive, providing a governed oil passage from the oil pump pressure side into and through the IMS. The pressurized oil will flow through the IMS and into the IMS Bearing, maintaining a constant, fresh flow and a constant temperature. The IMS oil feed modification can be pressed onto the back of the engine without disassembly!

Part No: 99610590102EPSFEED

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Click to View IMS Oil Feed Installation Instructions


This modification to the IMS front cover provides engine oil pressure to the IMS bearing. The modification consist of punching a 2 to 4 mm hole to the IMS front cover and replacing the oil pump drive 8 mm allen key with a new slotted allen key. The engine oil pressure will flow thru the slotted allen and into the front hole of the IMS in to the IMS bearing.
