Porsche IMS Bearing Upgrade Kit M96 — European Parts Solution

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Porsche IMS Bearing Upgrade Kit M96

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Porsche IMS Bearing Upgrade Kit M96


External fix with oil pressure feed permanently fix your intermediate shaft with the external fix! Unlike failure prone ball bearings, EPS uses a patented cylindrical bearing with thrust control that can be pressed onto the back of the engine without disassembly!

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IMS Bearing Upgrade Kit Step by Step Instruction

EPS recommends professional installation for the Eternal IMS Fix. Please take all precautionary safety measures. We also recommend putting the engine in TDC and locking the crankshaft and camshafts in place to assure there is no chance of jumping timing while working on the intermediate shaft and its bearing.

*Please read through the complete instructions to familiarize yourself with the process, before you attempt to do it for the first time.

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Click to view the IMS Bearing Upgrade Kit Instructions



• prevent future catastrophic engine failure
• permanently repair your expensive intermediate shaft
• uses cylindrical thrust control bearing that holds 10          times the load capacity of ball bearings
• repair without dissembling the engine
• includes a modification for forced engine oil feed
• contact engine oil pressure at bearing
• 2 Year Warranty

1997-2004 (M96 ENGINE)

Part No: 99610590102EPS
Price: $579.00

2005-2008  (M97 ENGINE)

Part No: 987997IMSEPS
Price: $649.00

