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Part No: 99610590102EPS
Price: $679.00

Prevent future catastrophic engine failure permanently with the only true Eternal Fix for the notorious Porsche intermediate shaft bearing. Unlike the other failure-prone ball bearing products that the original IMS and other upgrades on the market use, EPS uses a patented cylindrical bearing with thrust control that can be pressed directly into the back of the engine without disassembly. The cylindrical bearings have over 12 times the load capacity of other ball bearing solutions making the EPS IMS bearing the clear choice.  Backed by a full 5-year warranty. Order yours today!


Roller bearings are not intended for carrying large axial loads. Similar to failure-prone ball bearings, when cylindrical roller bearings are used for thrust control, the roller becomes compromised due to the limited surface contact area on the sides of the rollers. The results of using a cylindrical bearing for thrust control will be similar to all other ball bearing solutions.

In our patented system, we use a 15mm cylindrical bearing with thrust control that allows for the separation of the axial load from the radial load. Our roller bearings do NOT carry the axis load (thrust control) on the side, which leaves the roller free to carry only the radial load (main load). The axial load is carried exclusively on the entire permitter of the outer race. This results in a bearing that is not overloaded and will last the lifetime of the engine. 

EPS recommends using this product in conjunction to the Rear Main #8 Seal and Housing

Features and Advantages:

  • prevent future catastrophic engine failure

  • permanently repair your expensive intermediate shaft

  • uses cylindrical thrust control bearing that holds 12 times the load capacity of ball bearings

  • repair without disassembling the engine

  • contact engine oil pressure at bearing

  • patented system - U.S. Patent 9004766B1

  • 5 Year Warranty



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IMS Bearing Upgrade Kit Step by Step Instructions

Click to view the IMS Bearing Upgrade Kit Instructions

EPS recommends professional installation for the Eternal IMS Fix. Please take all precautionary safety measures. We also recommend putting the engine in TDC and locking the crankshaft and camshafts in place to assure there is no chance of jumping timing while working on the intermediate shaft and its bearing.

*Please read through the complete instructions to familiarize yourself with the process, before you attempt to do it for the first time.


What type of bearings does EPS use?

We first used NJ204 bearing for about the first thousand units we manufactured. Now we use a German made cylindrical bearing that has been customized for us at a nonstandard measurement of 15mm. The reason why we switched to this bearing was in an effort to use all the real estate available to spread the load over the largest possible area. Additionally, due to our patented thrust control, the roller is a free wheeling roller, meaning there is no contact on the sides of the roller. Unlike ANY other cylindrical bearing solution, our axis load (thrust control) is not applied to the rollers, instead, it is applied to the entire perimeter of the outer race. The main advantage of this technology is that the rollers are not loaded from the side. 

How many failures have been reported since you starting selling the IMS Upgrade Kit?

Since we started to sell our EPS Cylindrical IMS Bearing in 2013, we have sold 5,000 units in total, and we have NOT had a report of a single failure.

Is the Pressurized Oil Feed Kit necessary?

No. The bearing is completely submerged in oil thus not requiring the Pressurized Oil Feed Kit. However, due to some misleading information of the internet, some installers feel that it's important to implement this modification. 

What's the estimated labor time to install?

12 hours for manual transmission and 14 hours for Tiptronic transmissions.



We’ve purchased several of these kits and all of them have been installed flawlessly. Quality product with a great fit.
— EPS Customer
This is a very elegant solution to solve a problem that really should not exist in the first place... Shame on you, Porsche... That said, I still love the cars and I had 6k miles on this bearing kit in my prior 996 when I sold it. Now I and am shopping for another to have installed in the 996 I bought to replace the one I sold.
— John
Excellent , I got the new IMS and the tool to install the IMS I fully recommend this product.
— Mechaniceur